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GLOUCESTER CITY: Maintenance Problems at Chatham Square have Existed for Years

Bill's Point of View:

Date: November 7, 2006 (ClearysNoteBook)-Chatham Square Apartments Feather home to 100 residential units, located on Rte. 130 and Klemm Avenue has been fined $96,000, plus $17,000 per day until the violations are corrected, for numerous housing violations by the Gloucester City Municipal Court. The Municipal Court issued its decision on October 24, 2006.

The court action is the result of the ongoing efforts of the newly formed Property Maintenance Task Force, which involves representatives from the Fire, Police and Housing Departments who meet regularly to formally coordinate enforcement of housing regulations throughout the City.  The City Housing Department cited Chatham Square Apartments in violation of various housing issues, primarily dealing with conditions of common areas, failure to obtain certificates of occupancy, interior life hazard issues and code enforcement violations, to name a few.  The Housing Department and the Municipal Court is continuing to monitor the complex for full compliance with the violations.

The most important characteristic of our City is its strong family of neighborhoods,” said Mayor “Tut” Kilcourse.  “It is the City’s top priority to maintain and improve all housing conditions within the City.”


December 05, 2007 (ClearysNoteBook) - At last Thursday council meeting a resolution (R276) was passed to allow the City of Gloucester City to enter in to Agreements for the Sale of the Properties known as Chatham Square and Gloucester Terrace. According to Councilman Marchese if an agreement is reached to purchase the property, the apartments would be demolished and single family homes would be built. Both he and Mayor James said that this idea is in the early planning stages.

Chatham Square is located on Rt. 130 and Klemm Avenue in the area where Beazer Construction Company has built 64 new homes.


Some figures to ponder. According to TReND, who compiles property records for realtors, Chatham Square was purchased in 1976 for $1,131,800.  In 1998 the selling price for the property was $1,450,000, and in 2002 the purchase price was $2,800,000. The City paid $4.1 million giving the seller a $1.3 million profit.

According to the August 17th Courier Post, the mayor, said the city plans to have a new, on-site maintenance manager in place. The city also expects "to consolidate everybody into two or three buildings so they're not in scattered sites," James said.

Whether the city could sell the land for commercial redevelopment, James said that's not a possibility right now, at least in the short term. Nor does the city plan to increase the rent, he said.  SEE ARTICLE

Costs for this latest scenario Mayor and Council is following can only end up increasing our taxes. Originally the plans called for demolishing the apartments and putting up single family homes. I still believe that is the best idea. 

However the majority of the populace elected these individuals to do what they think is best for the community. If I was in charge I would have spent the $4 million buying up the 1200 rental properties that are spread out throughout the City.  Fix those up and sell each as single family homes. But that is me, and I am not in charge. So like everyone else I’ll just have to sit back and watch what becomes of this blunder. Hopefully they prove those who are against this course of action all wrong.

~Bill Cleary

RELATED: All Things Chatham Square ............Related: Bill's Point of Viewi
